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Neem Oil Shampoo

$ 10.00


Neem Oil Shampoo

$ 10.00

Tender therapeutics
Neem oil is a powerhouse of healing for skin, hair and scalp and this is one of
Camamu's top-selling products. From lice to leprosy, from eczema to psoriasis,
from dandruff to scalp acne, neem is the answer. Anti-inflammatory and
anti-microbial, it helps prevent dryness and flaking, encourages hair growth and leaves the hair shiny and silky. Camamu's Neem Oil Shampoo is formulated with a neem oil content of 10% and is enriched with an infusion of neem leaf powder which helps to nourish and improve the overall health of the scalp. Combined with olive, coconut, castor, shea butter and avocado oils for nourishment, moisturizing and conditioning,
our Neem Oil Shampoo is scented with a scalp-tingling, anti-microbial combination of
tea tree and peppermint essential oils.
To use just wet your hair, rub all over with the bar until a lather forms, put the bar aside and scrub as you like. Rinse well and then condition as needed. Due to the high castor oil content in the shampoo, it's best if you keep this bar in a dry place between uses.
Made from olive, coconut, castor, neem, avocado & shea butter oils;
infused with neem leaf powder.
Available as 115 gm/4 oz bar. 100% natural, gluten free & vegan.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Only shampoo I will ever use! Only shampoo that I’ve used for a year. So glad I came across this.


My scalp has never felt better!

Archiekar ArchiekarCN
Holy Grail

I grabbed this from my work on a whim as I had been looking for a bar shampoo and saw that it was made locally. I was so impressed. After the first wash my hair felt so soft and luxurious and I have noticed a great improvement in my scalp health with continued use. I have never enjoyed washing my hair and try to do it as little as possible, but I eagerly reach for my shampoo bar when it is time to wash my hair!

Sylvia Williams

I have used other products in the shampoo line with awesome results so I figured I would try the Neem Oil shampoo for the extreme itching that occurred out of the blue. I had no idea why I was scratching my head all of a sudden. I was convinced I had bugs, it was this bad. After having my scalp checked by 5 different people, I was told they didn't see anything. I continued scratching and then thought of switching my shampoo, that's when I purchased the Neem Oil shampoo. I can't say what I had but I can say that I stopped scratching my scalp and I now am not itching. It took washing daily for 3 days and it was gone. I am super happy to be back to normal and most definitely will continue using the Neem Oil shampoo as I don't want to go through this ever again!

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Though i gave this bar a low review, it's ONLY for this particular blend!
It was the first camamu product i'd ever used, and had purchased it on a recommendation from a gal who used it herself. i just happened to be one of the only folks to have an unfavourable experience with it.
Given all the great reviews, my personal experience seemed strange, so i gave it another try with the Neutral Henna bar...a WORLD of difference!
After a week or so of consideration and a bit of research, it seems that i may just be sensitive to the tea tree oil. Not entirely sure, but it's the only ingredient that i've not had much interaction with.
So if you're a bit sensitive to tea tree i would suggest a different camamu blend (: